Nigeria // //

Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri

Executive Governor

Prof. Kaletapwa Farauta

Deputy Governor


Adamawa State has a total area of 39,742.12 square kilometers. The 2005 projected population of the State is 3,106,585. The State lies between 8O0 N and 11N and longitude 11.50 and 13.50 E; generally characterized by many rivers; the major one is the River Benue whose source is from the highlands of the Cameroon and flows southwards to join the River Niger.

Economic Profile

Adamawa State is blessed with abundant human and material resources, readily at the disposal of every investor to harness. The State has a vast fertile land suitable for farming and other economic activities.


Majority of the people in Adamawa State are farmers. Cattle rearing are also a major occupation, while village communities living on the banks of Rivers Gongola and Benue and their tributaries in the State engage in fishing and farming.



Major Cities

Ethnic Profile
Fulani, Verre, Chamba, Mumuye, Dabanci, Dangsa, Higgi, Nyandang, Sukur, Margi, Gudu, Hona, Mboi, Ga’anda, Yungur, Bwatiye, Mbula, Bala, Bille, Sate, Koma, Bura, Lala, Gwaba, Njanyi, Fali, Gude, Holma, Lunguda, Kanakuru, Jen, Matakam, Laka, Wula, Lilba, Kwah, Waja, Tambo, LiboMwama, Kilba, Viengo and others.
Local Govt Areas
Demsa, Fufore, Ganye, GireiGombi,Guyuk, Hong, Jada, Lamurde, Madagali, Maiha, Mayo-Belwa, Michika, Mubi North, Mubi South, Numan, Song, Shelleng, and Toungo.