Federal Ministry of Women Affairs
Annex 3,
New Federal Secretariat, Shehu Shagari Way,
Central Area,
P.M.B. 229 Garki – Abuja
Telephone: +234 9 5237112
Fax: +234 9 5233644
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.womenaffairs.gov.ng
Hon. Paulen Tallen
Honourable Minister of Women Affairs
The Nigerian Ministry of Women Affairs is a ministry of the Nigerian government that promotes the development of women with equal rights and corresponding responsibilities. The objectives of the Ministry include stimulating action to promote civic, political, social and economic participation of women; coordinating and monitoring women’s programmes; providing technical and financial support to women non-governmental organizations, especially the National Council of Women Societies. The Ministry of Women Affairs is required to review substantive and procedural laws that affect women. The ministry is headed by a Minister appointed by the President, assisted by a Permanent Secretary, who is a career civil servant. Some activities undertaken by the Ministry include cottage industry projects such as bee-keeping, pottery and vegetable oil production to boost the economic empowerment of women. The Ministry also promotes literacy and health programs for women. In December 2007, the ministry issued a policy that addresses HIV/AIDS in the workplace, helping to ensure prevention, care and support for those living with the disease.
To help build a Nigerian Society that guarantees equal access to social, economic and wealth creation opportunities to all, irrespective of gender, places premium on protection of the child, the aged and persons with disabilities; focuses attention of key operators in both private and public sectors on mainstreaming the concerns of these groups of people in national development process.
To serve as the national vehicle to bring about speedy and healthy development of Nigerian Women, Children, the socially disadvantaged and physically challenged, and the main-streaming of their rights and privileges in national development process.
National Council of Women’s Societies (NCWS)