Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs

MFA Building, Off Ahmadu Bello Way PMB 130,

Abuja, Nigeria

Telephone: +234 9 523 0204

Website: www.mfa.gov.ng

Email: [email protected]

Hon. Geoffrey Onyeama

Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Geoffrey Onyeama from Enugu State was born 59 years ago.He obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Columbia University, in 1977 and proceeded to St. John’s College Cambridge for another Degree and a Master’s in Law in 1980 and 1984 respectively. He was enrolled in the British Bar and the Nigerian Bar in 1981 and in 1983 respectively. Geoffrey Onyeama has had a rich working career in various capacities from 1988 till date.He started work as an assistant Program Officer in 1985 at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPD) and rose to the rank and position of Deputy Director General, Development Sector, a position he occupied until his nomination as a Minister.

Amb. Zubair Dada

Honourable Minister of State for Foreign Affairs


Foreign Affairs was formed in 1960, as Nigeria gained its independence, prior to this it existed as a department in the Prime Minister’s office. The Ministry has overall responsibility for the formulation, development and implementation of Nigerian foreign policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The responsibilities of the Ministry are laid out in chapter 2, section 19, of the Nigeria Constitution, and include:

• The promotion and protection of the national interest

• The attraction of foreign direct investment into Nigeria and securing of market access for Nigeria Products and for the enhancement of her capability in the pursuit of the country’s national interest

• Prevention, management and resolution of conflicts in troubled spots in Africa, particularly West Africa

• Promotion of international cooperation for the consolidation of universal peace and mutual respect among all nations and elimination of racial discrimination in all its manifestations

• Respect for international law and treaty obligations as well as the seeking of settlement of international disputes by negotiations, mediation, conciliation, arbitration and adjudication and promotion of a just world economic order


To build and manage the Ministry of Foreign Ministry around knowledgeable and committed staff, Missions, and policies that secure the advancement of Nigeria’s national interests in the international arena, and guarantee the dignity of Nigerian citizens, other Africans, as well as foreigners in Nigeria. The Ministry is also committed to the vision of Nigeria becoming one of the top twenty (20) economies in the world by the year 2020.


The Ministry is dedicated to the vigorous pursuit of the vital national interests of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the promotion of African integration and Unity, as well as international cooperation for the consolidation of global peace and security. The Ministry is also committed to the promotion of a just world economic order and democratic values, through the formulation, articulation and implementation of policy objectives that would benefit the people of Nigeria.


Directorate of Technical Co-operation in Africa(DTCA)

Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution

Technical Aid Corps

Nigerian Institute of International Affairs(NIIA)