Federal Ministry of Finance 

Federal Ministry of Finance
Ahmadu Bello Way,
Central Area,
PMB 14, Garki  Abuja, Nigeria
Telephone: +234 9 234 6290
Website: www.finance.gov.ng

Zainab Ahmed
Honourable Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning

Prince Clem Ikanade Agba
Honourable Minister of State for Budget and National Planning


The Federal Ministry of Finance was first established in 1958 to replace the Finance Department. The Ministry has responsibility for the management and control of Nigeria’s public finance, with the specific functions of:

•    Preparing annual estimates of revenue and expenditure for the Federal Government

•    Formulating policies on fiscal and monetary matters

•    Mobilizing domestic and external financial resources through both internal and external financial institutions, for development purposes

•    Maintaining adequate foreign exchange reserves aimed at ensuring a healthy balance of payment position

•    Maintaining the internal and external value and stability of the Nigerian currency; monitoring government revenue from oil and non-oil resources•    Supervising the insurance industry

•    Managing revenue allocation matters


To be the most prominent Ministry in Service Delivery.


To manage the nation’s finance in an open, transparent accountable and efficient manner that delivers on the country’s development priorities.


Central Bank of Nigeria

Debt Management Office 

Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS)

Fiscal Policy in Nigeria

Investment and Security Tribunal

National Insurance Commission

Nigeria Custom Service

Office of the Accountant General of the Federation

Security & Exchange Commission (SEC)